
How and where to moderate both advocate applications plus tasks

Advocate Moderation

This is only applicable to application based programmes 

Navigate to Members > Signups > Complete and you'll see a list of pending applications.

  • Click into the application for all the data requested on the sign up form, you can then choose to either accept or reject the application. 

When a potential advocate applies but does not verify their email address their application sits in the Incomplete tab.

  • After 5 days an operator can manually send out a reminder to verify email address
  • An operator can also remove the incomplete application and the advocate can re apply 

Task Moderation

Tasks default behaviour is to be manually moderated before rewards are given to an advocate. This is done through the Activity Tab. 

Navigate to Activity > Pending

Here there are 2 or 3 options when it comes to moderating tasks. 

✅ Approve task

❌ Reject task

If the task's Action step has asked for an asset (i.e. Image Upload or Social Post action steps) then the operator also has an option to approve the submission (and give the reward) but also hide the UGC from the assets tab

Auto Moderation

Action steps can be set as "Auto Moderated," which means that when a task is submitted, it will be automatically marked as completed (and rewards distributed) without the need for human moderation. This can save time and streamline the workflow process.

How to set up an auto moderation task 

Access via the three dot menu on the task action step you want to auto moderate and select the option, don't forget to save.