Single Sign-On (SSO): Dashboard Access

SAML SSO makes logging into the Duel Dashboard easier and more secure for your team.

Please be aware that these instructions are specifically for configuring Single Sign-On (SSO) for the dashboard (backend) for operators. If you are interested in SSO setup for the portal (front end), please refer to the additional resources provided here.

Follow these steps to configure your identity provider and set up SAML SSO logins for your team.

Get your Short ID from the Duel dashboard

Log into the Duel dashboard, click on your profile in the top right corner and click on “Settings”. Above the “Display Name” text field, you’ll find your Duel Short ID. You’ll need this in the next step.

Configure your identity provider

In your identity provider, you’ll need to provide a Single Sign-On/ACS URL, an Entity ID and NameID format to connect it with the Duel dashboard. These are as follows:

  • Single Sign-On URL:<your-short-id>

  • Entity ID:<your-short-id>/metadata

  • NameID:

Email address

Complete the integration with Duel

To integrate with the identity provider, please supply either of the following to Duel:

SAML protocol configuration parameters

  • Identity provider Single Sign-On URL

The URL that starts the SSO login process

  • Public certificate

Duel will use this to validate SAML requests from your identity provider

  • ​​Issuer

Unique identifier of your identity provider

Identity provider metadata

The necessary information to integrate with an identity provider is usually also available in the XML format as Identity Provider Metadata.

Add operators on the Duel dashboard

Go back to the Duel dashboard and head to the Settings again. Click on the “Operators” tab to see an overview of the current operators. Any members of your team that should be able to login to the Duel dashboard with SAML SSO need to be created here with their corresponding work email address.

Sign in with SAML SSO

Once you have enabled SAML SSO, team members can login by accessing<your-short-id>.