Understand key metrics and insights on your Duel dashboard
Member & Activity
Social & Earned Media Value (EMV)
Exporting Data
Revenue Attribution Hierarchy

The dashboard provides a quick overview of your programme's performance, with all the statistics being filterable.
Once you select your preferred date range and audience filter, you can further analyse the data and export it as a CSV by hitting the export button.
Total Revenue - This figure represents the combined revenue generated during the specified time period for the selected audience.
Referrals & Affiliates - This metric shows the total income from orders placed using referral codes, affiliate links, or storefronts facilitated by Duel.
Advocate Spend - This refers to the total amount advocates have spent, including revenue from reward codes, loyalty purchases, and self-referrals.
UGC Links - This metric reflects the total value of orders made through the “Shop for this” button in the User-Generated Content (UGC) gallery on your eCommerce platform.
Member & Activity
Task Impressions - The total number of views on tasks (opening task)
Task Completions - The total number of completions of tasks (tasks that have been accepted)
New Members - The number of new advocates that joined within the specified date range.
Active Members - The number of advocates who have completed a task or have driven a referral
Social & Earned Media Value (EMV)
Earned Media Value (EMV) - is calculated from Social post action steps, considering reach, engagement, and industry benchmarks. EMV is separate from total revenue, see further reading here.
Social Posts - The number of social post action steps completed within the selected date range
Social Reach - Total Reach of Tracked Social Posts is calculated as the number of posts multiplied by views; if views are unavailable, follower count is used instead.
Reactions - The total number of reactions such as likes, hearts or loves on tracked social posts. These are tracked upon task submission and updated once more 7 days later.
Comments - The total number of comments on tracked social posts. These are tracked upon task submission and updated once more 7 days later.
Social statistics are based on all posts submitted by advocates through the Duel portal.
Exporting Data
To carry out analysis, or to view the more granular statistics that lie behind the overview numbers on the dashboard, including stats broken down by task, you can export the dashboard data as a .csv spreadsheet.
Begin by clicking 'Export data' near the top-right of the dashboard.
Revenue Attribution Hierarchy
If an order could appear in multiple channels the priority of allocation will be the following:
- Advocate Spend
- Referrals & Affiliates
- UGC Links