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  2. Using Duel
  3. Creating, Editing & Managing Tasks

Task Overview & Building

What are tasks? What are their benefits? How can they be set up and managed?

Task Overview
Building Tasks
Form Elements
Task Building Glossary
Video Walkthrough
Task Examples

Task Overview 

Tasks are fundamental to the Duel platform and one of the primary actions taken by advocates. These tasks serve as the backbone of the platform, allowing users to engage with different activities and earn rewards upon completion.

Exciting & interesting tasks are crucial in motivating advocates to participate actively in a brands programme, and ultimately achieving the programmes objectives.

Task Types

Evergreen Tasks - A set of core tasks that an advocate knows are available at all times, these tend to be repeatable weekly or monthly and can be completed any time of year. These should align with programme objectives and/or drive programme engagement.   

Variable Tasks - Dynamic tasks that come in and out accounting for the majority of tasks in a programme, they're generally non repeatable and have time frames associated. These should align with programme objectives and/or drive programme engagement.   

Welcome/Admin Tasks - These tasks generally only exist in the welcome tier and are not repeatable. They don't tend to drive programme objectives. 

Offering a variety of tasks keeps advocates engaged and can lead to more participation. It also creates a sense of community, encouraging sustained engagement and building lasting relationships with advocates.

Task Rewards

There are 2 primary ways to reward a task completion, these rewards are given automatically when a task has been moderated successfully. 

Points: The most frequently used task reward is points, which enable advocates to progress through the tiers and access the perks and rewards avaliable in higher tiers.

Promo Codes: Tasks can also reward promo codes on completion, see more information on setting up promo codes here

Task Fatigue

To prevent task fatigue, we advise setting an end/expiry date for any variable tasks that are added to the programme.

Task fatigue occurs when advocates feel overwhelmed by the number of tasks in the portal, which can lead to reduced completion rates.

The threshold for task fatigue varies among communities and depends on the complexity and type of tasks. However, we typically notice diminishing returns when there are more than 20 tasks visible per tier.

Building Tasks

Action Steps

Each task created must have at least one action step, which is the actionable item that an advocate submits from the Duel portal.

We recommend a unique hashtag for each social post task on the same platform. This will reduce any mixups when multiple posts are submitted simultaneously.

Action Step Description Typical Usage Notes
Image Upload High quality photos upload Uploading a specific brief at full resolution  
Evidence Low quality/unusable image upload Uploading screenshots  
Data Collection Form elements A wide range of uses, data collection can be link to other action steps also. See further details below
Social Follow CTA through to social accounts
Get advocates to follow specific social accounts
Facebook Post Post on Facebook
Social posts work much in the same way as each other.
In short the way Duel scans for the correct post on an advocates profile is via the hashtags and mentions added to the action step.
We recommend a unique hashtag for each task on the same social platform. 
This action step requires the post to be public.
Instagram Post Post Carousel/In Feed on Instagram IG Reels & Stories not currently supported use Social Evidence
Pinterest Post Post on Pinterest  
TikTok Post Post Video on TikTok Photo Slides not currently supported use Evidence
YouTube Post Post on YouTube Shorts not currently supported, use Social Evidence
Twitch Post Post on Twitch  
Strava Post Record Strava Activity Check action step for supported sports
Social Evidence Evidence action step that tracks as social post in dashboard IG Story, IG Reel & YouTube Shorts currently supported These action steps also track social stats as the dashboard
Call to Action Call to external link Link through to a specific newsletter CTAs can be moderated in bulk via list of email address upload
Vote Advocates vote on their favourite between pieces of UGC This easy to complete task is good for engagement Will rank UGC in order of votes can be used to auto populate galleries
Task Referral Historical Feature Superseded by Referrals and affiliates Not commonly used

Form Elements

Form elements are essential components that allow us to store and interact with user input in a variety of ways. They can be set up within a task or as part of the signup/application form.

  • See dedicated article for more detailed information here.

Custom Fields

Custom fields are profile fields that a brand can configure to gather extra profile information beyond the standard options in Duel.

  • For more details, refer to the dedicated article linked here.

Task Building Glossary

See breakdown below for the different settings/options when creating tasks. 

Not all of these settings/options are required to publish a task. The field names bolded & italicised are the minimum requirement.

Field Description Notes
Name Task name for internal/admin purposes These can be the same
Reward/Title Title and primary call to action advocates see in the dashboard These can be the same
Show completions in reward listing

On successful completion show the task in reward window

Not recommended unless a task has a reward attached

Having this on for all tasks clutters up the reward window and rewards can get lost
Promo code reward Attach a promo code as a reward to be distributed upon successful task completion  
Pre-Completion Instructions Copy shown when a task is opened. The main description of the task and any details users will need to complete it. This is anything above the “Show More” button for the end-user This is commonly task specific instructions
Pre-Completion guidelines Additional copy displayed after the “Show More” button is clicked by an advocate This is commonly programme specific guidelines
Post-compleation instructions

Copy is shown after a user has successfully completed the task

Important to include any particulars if the task is distributing a reward

 e.g £50 only valid on full price items
Audience What cohort of advocates are able to see/complete the task. As well as points rewarded for a successful completion
This can be broken out as groups, tiers or labels
Unlisted Unlisted tasks once published can only be accessible via the task URL. The task is not visible in the portal These tasks are generally distributed via email or message and used to send specific tasks to individuals
Start / end date Tasks can be scheduled start and end dates  
Action steps Actions steps are the activity an advocate needs to complete to submit the task, tasks can have more than one action step  
Auto moderate

Auto moderation will mark a submitted task as completed immediately without need for human moderation

Access via the three dot menu on the task action step

Common usage is low value tasks that don't require human moderation
Multiple Completions Tasks can be set to be repeatable with a range of timeframes and options  

Labels can be used to mark particular groups of tasks used primary when exporting task completions and tracking performance

Labels can also be used to attach graphics, primarily icons and banners to specific tasks

Task Icons

Task Banners

Pin to top Pin to top keeps tasks in their original position after they're opened by an advocate, default behaviour will drop the task to the bottom of the list if it's opened  
Promote Functions as a way to order tasks in the tasks listing page, higher numbers equal higher positions

99 is the maximum (highest) position and
1 the lowest

Video Walkthroughs

Social Post Task Walkthrough

Social Evidence Task Walkthrough

Task Examples

See our Task Index for a range of task examples